Sticky canvases:
Escape Radius:
Fractal Power:
Juliaset Constant:
Interpolate between normal and juliaset:
Canvas Size:
Color offset:
Sample Count:
This project is still very early in development. This means, new features will be added in the future. Until everything is finished, bugs might occur, things might break. If you find anything, please open a issue on github.
This project by nathansolomon1678 on github, where I got a lot of insipration (and code) from
This project by BenjaminAster on github, that helped me a little since I wasn't too experienced with WebGPU/WGSL
Paul Bourke, especially his website page on fractals here, where I got lots of the fractals and insipration from
CodeParade (HackerPoet on github) for this project, where I got the code for the feather fractal and a few others from
This project on github I got some colormaps from.
This repository on github by radian628, where I got the idea of multisampling from.
Indigo Quilez' Website which contains a lot of useful articles on graphical programming.
All the amazing people who discovered some of these fractals and made this project possible
My friends (they did nothing for this project but still thanks)
You, for visiting and testing my project!
Fractal Explorer v4 or Fractal Viewer v4 made by justacoder or davidsaltacc is the best way to explore and view fractals online in the browser no download, you can view Fractals like the mandelbrot set, burning ship, tricorn, with many colormaps, color methods, and more, you can create art, Fractal Art v4, Fractal Generative Art.
Does this even work?